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Vol. 13, Issue 4, The Morning After

Volume 13, Issue 4

July 3, 2019

Welcome to The Morning After

Week 4 is in the books and what a lovely night!
This week is big! We’ve got more recaps and MORE BEER this week at The Barking Dog. So come out tonight and get as weird as is humanly possible, we all know you’re not working tomorrow babies!

Game Recaps

See what your captains have to say on how your game went. Was their perception of reality…real?

Standings, Standings, Standings

How’s Your Team Doing on the Fields and more importantly, the Bar?

Get to Know a Kickballer

Who are all these sweaty wonderful people?

Game Recaps

Time to Get up and Go!

by Chiller

Man, this Scotch-based drink is heavy! Using the floral and botanical properties of China-China and the fruitiness of pomegranate juice to liven up your favorite scotch, we created a Mr. Fusion of flavor befitting Doc Brown’s sweet-but-unhinged persona.  

  • 3 parts Highland Scotch (or mixable scotch whiskey of your choice)
  • 1 part China-China French liqueur
  • splash, pomegranate juice
  • splash, ginger liqueur

Combine in a shaker with ice; pour into martini glass, top with blood orange and cherry.


  1. Clocks (whenever you see a clock)
  2. Doc’s (whenever Marty cries out ‘Doc’!)
  3. ‘rock’s (every time a new rock or pop/licensed song plays – yes, even “Earth Angel” and “Mr. Sandman”)


Doc Brown declares, “Where we’re going, we don’t need…roads.”

Hobos Everywhere!

by Emily D

Another year, another HoboLauer team. This time with fresh meat!!  Which just means we are younger and the newbies aren’t tied down by all the mini hobos and lauers being created.  

We are down to just a couple of the Lauer team:  headed of course by the man James Lauer; his best buddy who know longer looks like Jesus, Rob; and when not on IR, Jeff.  The only lady standout is Nikki Neam, back to keep the Lauer girls kicking!!

The hobos have a few of the OG left:  headed by former Captain and still ring leader, Sean; speed demon and fiesty, Rashard; one of the OG ladies and one of the mom squad, Jo/Robino; our sports goddess, Julie and her future Mrs. Lyst, Bethany (although that could be the other way around)…and you know me, the last part of the mom squad.

And we have our repeat Hobo/Lauer summer crew:  Yates, our tall, bearded, flip cup survivor; Andy, the newest progressive squad rep/replacement of Ricky; and Erin, our other sports loving, teaching goddess.

The newest members of our team will get a special shoutout next episode…cant give it all away.

Things got out of hand quickly.

by ChrisB

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and sometimes you get smoked. But like in previous weeks we sort of got it together for most of the game. We just had a bad inning or two. This week however we did not have any collisions, we had no rage and we had no chem issues. SO GREAT! Aryan did take a funny tumble however and Albers broke Dan with his strumph. Really we just went balls out when maybe that was not totally necessary. Maybe more balls in this week!
At the bar we got third in team flip cup, and we had good support! The less said about Survivor, the better. What a sh*t show! This week we’ll blow some things up just the way America wants it! Let’s burn it to the ground Pookie!

Double Dipping is Fun!

by Tony H

We dominate double headers.   We always get better the more we play.  This team was created to dominate.  I estimate we won both games 33-6 ish.  Lots of homers, decent defense.  Wow,  go my team. 

Your Weekly Flip Cup Rankings

TeamChampionships WonMatches WonSurvivor Games WonTotal Points
HoboLauer: EndGame1729
Back to the Juicer2818
Summer Better Than Others Team1616
A Bob Has No Name0403
Taking the b.a.t. outta basement
Hannah and the Barbarians0000

Season Long Survivor Rankings

1Matt YHoboLauer: Endgame10
1Chris HBack to the Juicer10
3Chris BSummers Better Than Other8
4Suzanne MBack to the Juicer7
5Rob CHoboLauer: Endgame5
6Lindsay BBack to the Juicer4
6Tim TA Bob Has No Name4
8Mark SA Bob Has No Name3
8Ben FBack to the Juicer3
8Matt FBack to the Juicer3
11Jonathan GBack to the Juicer1
11Aryan BSummers Better Than Other1

Your Weekly Kickball Standings

TeamGames WonGames LostGames TiedRun Differential
Taking the b.a.t. outta basement
Back to the Juicer310+18
HoboLauer: EndGame220+4
A Bob Has No Name131-11
Hannah and the Barbarians130-20
Summer Better Than Others Team